"Whilst observing the stages in the life cycles of plants, I have become interested in the Taoist philosophy, 'the unity of opposites' (the oneness of yin and yang) in nature, which can be seen in the action of creation and destruction occurring simultaneously.
I find this concept most poignantly expressed in a plant’s seedhead. As the whole plant recedes and shrivels, the tiny seeds of new life are being formed.
Each plant has evolved different ways of dispersing them, and I’m particularly interested in the moment the seeds are poised to leave or are actually leaving, as seen in my series Release."

Release XV - Clematis tangutica
Winner: Non-Commissioned Object Association of Photographers Awards 2014
Winner: Nature category Julia Margaret Cameron Women photographers awards 2017

Release XIII - Chamerion augustifolium
"This willowherb I have often perceived as a weed, a nuisance in my garden, and tried to remove it. But once I looked at it in a different way and saw how beautiful the process was by which it released its seeds, it changed my paradigm and I always look at it fondly now"

Release II - Lunaria annua

Release IV - Typha latifolia

Release XVI - Cirsium arvense

Release VI - Anemone sylvestris

Release I - Onopordum acanthium

Release X - Cirsium arvense